Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dream Studio Video of the Week!

Get to do a little bit of sight-seeing with this week's featured Dream Studio creation.

This week is going to be a little different, because we'll be featuring two videos instead of one. Why, you ask? Because komakatze, the creator of these, actually made it into two parts, so we'll be featuring both to give you a maximum virtual tour.

Impressions Gran Canaria and Impressions Gran Canaria, 2 feature the landscape, structures, and the way of life of the people of Gran Canaria, a Spanish island near Africa.

The pictures are rustic and go far beyond what you see on typical postcards, showing how the people of Gran Canaria actually see the island. The rawness of the shots are actually what makes the place quite enticing to visit, because there is something in the rugged beauty of the place that makes them appealing. It's really a very interesting and gorgeous place, and the pictures and the videos capture these perfectly.

To view these videos, please visit and