Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SanrioTown Blog of the Week!

Cats and kittens aren't the only ones who enjoy playing with yarn. This week's blog entry shows that some Hello Kitty fans also have a fascination for fabrics - in knitting, of course!

Knittin' with the Kitten, owned and maintained by deannac, a self-confessed Hello Kitty and knitting fan. She talks about her projects and her weapon of choice in tackling these: that's right, Hello Kitty knitting needles!


As she herself said, Hello Kitty and knitting go together like "peanut butter and jelly, cornflakes and milk..." And, as she points out, a lot of knitters are actually Hello Kitty fans. Ever noticed how, in a crafts shop, a lot of patterns (and not only for knitting) are patterned after our London-bred White lass?

Know more knitting adventures by clicking on the blog title or the image above.