Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dreamstudio Tutorial: Advanced: Transition Effects

Hi everyone! Now we'll be showing what the Transition Effects look like, using the same default image in the past two tutorials.

Transition Effects are used in between two slides to provide a kind of buffer for these, that is, graphics will be shown to make the cross-overs between slides nicer-looking. Think of it as a pretty bridge between two areas.;)

Listed below are the transition effects of Dreamstudio, with their corresponding descriptions and sample images. Note that the Hello Kitty image has been used as a picture on the second slide so as to make the transitions appear clearer. Again, not all sub-categories of the groups have an accompanying image. Only some have been selected to have a screenshot of these as these played.

Cover: The next slide goes over the other one from any of these directions: down, up, right, left, right-down, or left-down. Below is an example of the Cover Right effect.


Reveal: Kind of the opposite for Cover. The previous slide removes itself by sliding to any of these directions: down, up, right, left, right-down, or left-down. Below is a sample of the Reveal Up Effect.


Press: Seems like the new slide doesn't like the one it followed very much.:P It will compress the previous one, as if a great weight has been applied to it. This can come from above, below, left, or right. Below is a sample of Press Down.


Zoom: The next slide goes zooming in place of the other one. The following are the options for Zoom:

In: The next slide comes zooming into view.

Out to Screen Center: The old slide zooms out and is replaced by the new one. (See sample below)


In Transparency: As the new slide zooms in, the old one fades out. (See Sample below)


Out Transparency: As the old slide zooms out, the new slide gradually appears.

In Swivel: The new slide spins into focus in place of the old one. (See Sample below)zoom-in-swivel.jpg

Out Swivel: The old slide spins out as the new one zooms in.

Fade Through: The next slide fades in, via a choice of colors: Black, White, ed, Green, Blue, Light Blue, or Yellow. You may also choose Transparency or Dissolve.


Special Effects: These have effects that look like cartoons. These are the following:

Eraser: A huge hand holding an eraser appears and rubs it across the old one to reveal the new slide.


Zipper: A huge closed zipper appears in the middle of the slide and opens to reveal the new one underneath.


Silkscreen: A huge paint roller moves from right to left, replacing the slide.


Chaos: As various colors appear, the old slide appears to separate into parts and fades out.


Others: The following are the other transition effects that may be used:

Box Out To/From Center: A black rectangular shape appears and closes in or out (depending on which option you choose)of the old image to reveal the one. Below is a sample of the Box Out to Center effect.


Circle Out/Circle In: The same as Box Out effect, but a circle takes the place of the rectangle. Sample below is the Circle In effect.


Vertical/Horizontal Slide: Slides appear one at a time on the slide and fades out to reveal the new one. The sample below is that of the Vertical slide effect.
