Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dreamstudio Tutorial: Advanced: Special Effects

Hi there!

This week, we'll be featuring and showing users the special effects that they can add to their videos. After all, it wouldn't really be a Sanrio video without any Sanrio images to animate it, would it?;)

The Special Effects could be accessed by clicking on the "Extra" tab on the left side of the Workspace area, and then clicking on "Special Effects" if these did not display automatically on the right. Like the photos that you upload for your video, the sizes of these can also be manipulated by clicking on the image and then clicking and dragging the small squares on its sides to change its shape. It can also be rotated by clicking on the small "R" on the upper right corner of the image and then changing its position according to how you want it. Some of the images below have been resized and/or repositioned to show this feature too.

You will only be able to use one special effect on each slide. However, you can use these along with the other effects.

Listed below are the available special effects with their corresponding images. The ones on Italics means that these are animated to add more fun and creativity to your blog.:D

Hula Kitty: Aloha! Make Hello Kitty dance the hula and add a Hawaiian touch to your video.


Dolphin: See Kitty and Mimmy ride a dolphin that jumps from one area to another.


Tandem Bikes: Watch Kitty and Mimmy ride a tandem bike up and down hills.


Fairy Kitty: Kitty in a cute pink costume will flit around on your video dropping flowers on her way.


Kitty on a Plane: Aviator Kitty rides a plane!


Kitty in a Car: From the air to the road! Kitty drives a car!


Swinging Melody: Melody plays on the swings with some birds.


Summery Melody: Melody in a cute dress is happy that it's summer!


Musical Melody: Melody and Rhythm play their very own musical instruments.


Sad Melody: Melody is sad, and Flat and Lisu join her.


Kimono Melody: Melody and Hitsuji dress up in kimonos and make their way on a flowery walk.


Clubhouse Melody: See Melody, Flat, and Lisu hang out in their clubhouse.


Waving Melody: Melody waves at you from her window.


Balancing Chacha: Watch Chacha balance a pencil on his nose as Kuririn giggles and Sakura watches.


Feeding Hamsters: Kuririn, along with Chibi and Cherry, snack on some nuts and flowers.


Peeking Hamsters: Kuririn, Jan, and Ann peek out of some tubes.


Dancing Sun: A blue sun waves its rays around.


Clock: Tell your viewers what the current time is by inserting this in your video.


Digital Clock: Same as the ticking clock, except that is, well, digital


White Frame: Add a frame to your image.


Falling Petals: Drifting petals add a dramatic touch to your video.


Lights: Multicolored lights appear and flash on your video.


Lightning: Add this to your video to create a scary feel to it.


Twinkling Stars: Add sparkle to your video with these! You may even get to wish on a falling star!


Fireworks: Fireworks go off on the slide, adding a celebratory feel.


Gray Frame: Adds a gray screen that you can use to frame your slide.


TV Screen: The TV screen comes with free antenna!
