Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Focus on: Pochacco's Bank Game

Pochacco is now a big-time banker, and you are his valuable assistant!

Pochacco's Bank Game Welcome Page

The game is easy. All you have to do is to press the corresponding directional button for the kind of money your current customer is asking. The left, down, and right keys stand for the three kinds of money that you can give to your clients: gold coins and green and red bills.

Pochacco's Bank Game InstructionsPochacco Bank Game proper

The time remaining for you to distribute the money appears on the top portion of the game, as well as the number of customers you have to serve before your level goes up. Going up a level occurs automatically so you won't have to worry about a pop-up that will suddenly appear and make you lose your concentration.:D

Paying attention to what your customer is saying is the key of the game. Make sure that you've counted the right amount of money before you hand it to your customer, otherwise, you'll end up losing the game and make Pochacco one sad dog.