Friday, March 2, 2007

All About: Chippy Mouse, Charmmy Kitty, and Chibimaru

We decided to give Chippy Mouse some company in his feature, so he'll be sharing the spotlight with Charmmy Kitty and Chibimaru! We hope you enjoy this mouse, cat, and dog feature!

Year Created:

A dancer, this little mouse is a native of Holland. He definitely loves music and his favorite cheese biscuits. Very curious, he's very proud of his tail that he can change into any shape he wishes.


Year Created:

Charmmy Kitty is a present to Hello Kitty from her beloved Papa and Daniel. Because they don't know when her birthday actually is, they decided to celebrate it on the day she was given to Kitty, which is October 31.

Although well-mannered, quiet, and obedient, Charmmy Kitty can still sometimes put on airs. Because she loves sparkly stuff, Hello Kitty gave her the shiny bow on her left ear as a gift. Her trademark is the key around her neck, which opens Hello Kitty's jewelry box.

Friend of Charmmy Kitty


Sugar, given the name because of his color, was given to Hello Kitty the same time as Charmmy to keep them company. He's a white jungalian hamster whose birthday is May 1.


Year Created: 2003
February 2

One of a set of triplets, Chibimaru was born in a white house next to where he lives right now: a small red house with a red roof. Although he can be a bit cowardly, he's still very curious and loves to play tricks. You can tell if he's happy because he rotates his tail and sings. He loves going inside his owner's bag to explore places. He also loves his dog plush and bone-shaped milk cookies. When he grows older, his ears will stand up. Recently, he was able to walk while holding his front legs up.

Friends of Chibimaru

Birthday: March 3

A very stylish chihuahua, she loves hanging out in the Poodle Store because the dogs there love fashion too! She likes walking in front of the beauty shop that has her favorite floral shampoo. She lives in a little red brick house.

Birthday: December 31

A young Labrador who gets easily scared, he admires bulldogs because he wants to be as tough as they are. He loves milk, playing hide and seek, and finding treasures and then burying them again in new locations. He likes walking by the bakery because he loves the smell of the treats there.

Birthday: September 9

Ka-Suke is one sleepy beagle! He loves taking naps just about anywhere and everywhere. He lives in a flowery garden, and he also loves to take walks - if he's awake!

May 5

This terrier is kind and a gentleman to boot. He loves listening to classical music and going to the park to be with people. He thinks Labradors are a fine breed because they look clever and strong. He stays in a living room of a very nice house.